ARID Agriculture University, Rawalpindi (Govt) Jobs

27-Mar-2012 (Tuesday)  in  Nawa-i-Waqt  
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  • Associate Professors
  • Assistant Professors
  • IT Service Manager
  • Lecturers
  • Assistant Director
  • Sub Divisional Engineer
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Rawalpindi
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ARID Agriculture University, Rawalpindi (Govt) Jobs
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  • ARID Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
  • Public Sector
  • Jobs in Punjab
  • Jobs in Pakistan
  • Government Jobs
  • Associate Professors
  • Assistant Professors
  • IT Service Manager
  • Lecturers
  • Assistant Director
  • Sub Divisional Engineer
4 Nw,rc of 11w Pvs or Eligibility Criteria
1. I. Qinlitlcallone Ph.D is tht icvant field torn ir
NEC rccogrizcd nivcrst:’ymtitbtor.
a. Ari. Lanwmks & tconv;i:iu I ii. Lerleree: 10 year ieacS.rg. Resesrch
b. Food Tcthnlogy expelence (n ar 1-lEC recognized Univ’1rsity OR
a Vors-Grac.iatc Institutic, 0k .‘rvlen,onal
eerincr In ¡ne eievsr.t tied tri a Nattonal OR
inter Organization.
. t
war, l’or: Ph.!) TeachjrgJREcearch experience ii ar
IEC recognize’) iiniwrsfty OR n I2ÑtCrsd,ne
nslituiion nr prnI4iiçiriai u -sIerns In the rele’ant
zeld in a National OR i1terna1onai Orcpzotion.
iii. PeNiatians: 10 terenrch PublIéatlonš (vìlth at
least 4 publicatIons ¡ri tho .ast S vean) in *
Ht C itngnized .Iourrai.
2.1 Assistant ProfesffiS-19)Reguar; Qualltlcatlons
. flit) in ti’e relevant field fs-olcs 1—WC secngnired
Dutecry 1
: ‘Jr.rvers.ity;InsLiut:uri.
ci. 1
e. Math/Staz j 1 ¿R
f. Islarn;c Studies I 1 4’
g. c:jn Stu-J j ¡ Ma,ter’s Degree (rerrign) OR M.P-li!1Pakistan)
h. Agronomy ! 1 OR equivalent degrees awarded after 18 yturs
. cl education as determined by i-IEC in tise
I. Forestry & Range M306gernent 1 .
relcvant field from an HEC recognized
I. PlaesL Bree’Jn & ,erwtics 1 Univ€rsiy/kistitution ilongwlth 4 year!
: k-. Escunnulugy Teadii:sg /Reseaich experience ib a recOrlrei
UnIversity OR a Post-GraduatIon lntitution OR
professional ecperie:ice ¡rs 11w re!evont .tl.tld In t,
, ____________ Natir’r’aI or organizatia’:
3 .OEÆeivIce.Mar.axcr (ES-l 9) L Re.slar 1 Masiersf l3achelon Degree in Conputer $cience
or related discipline (16 years cf education) with
at least 6-years of expeÑence in Planning.
designferdsitttturw arid inriplemerstation of
enterprise based IT services.
4. Lecturr oc-ts> — uirr First Ma,tcrs Degree OR cquÑent degree
a. On Contract awarded after 16 year. of education In the
relevant field with rto 3” Di•stçlon In the
(J) Ma:hcmatlcs 2
. Academic Career from an HEC recognized
(2) Management Suer ‘ces 2 . . . .
. Universityllnctrtutron.
(3) CotnpuiHr Sdenrec 2
b. On Leave Varncy
Computer Sciences 2
ÃÏ&rï6irec.tor lBS-i?) — (JIlT
MS c/B .Çr (i-tons.) Co’iysurrr Sc:icefKSCC%j/
SS(IT) (16 ycan of education,) from kthC
recognized University/Inrtit’..rt-e. preferably with
relevant experience
(Leave Vacaney)
Sub Dìviaional EnRiiiDŠT7) -
Second das, Rachelor’s degree l, ClviliElectrical
Fng?neerng or an equ:valent qudificetlon Iron a
recognized tie siversity.
Diploma ¡n CIvil/Electrical Engineering from a
recognized Unive’rsity/institutio,i wilt Tari years
practical experience as Suis- Engin ‘et-r.
5OOð._2.ÉWi4i L-
-4-201 2(LiLniBS-17Lls)$ÍiJiið(5L-’s.nrL
7..ft4 çÝI,. J JJj,’kL.s4’j €_C ¿hf)/l1iJ1 JAs_a-iF tw,fltç’a- jiS’
-.c-tkÝYWi.riJML Lhu-itr,t,LFiø
+92-51 -9290459, +92-51 .92901 G0:j4+92.51 .929ß4ßß:j,)

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