Government of the Punjab Job Opportunities

03-Jan-2012 (Tuesday)  in  Jang  
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  • Chairman
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  • Jobs in Lahore
  • Jobs in Punjab
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Government of the Punjab Job Opportunities
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  • Punjab Cooperative Board For Liquidation
  • Cooperatives Department
  • Public Sector
  • Government Jobs
  • Jobs in Lahore
Appiicions are invited for appoiitment as Chairman, Punjab Cooperative Board for
(a). a retired civil servant of the rik of the Secretary to the Government
possessing at least twenty years expeñence of dealing with revenue matters
or civil administration; or
(b). a Law aduate who has at least 17 years’ experience in civil, revenue or
liquidation matters; or
(c). a Ch’tered Accountant who has at least 15 years’ experience, preferably in
matters relating liquidation.
Note: (1) In case of (b) above, a list of 10 cases conducted by the applicant in the lgh
Court I Suprexe Court, including 3 cases reported in a reputed Law Journal,
in wnich accordmg to the appicant sorne ¡mpotant questions & law have
been decided shall be annexed with the appication and shall be a factor
supporting expenence.
(2) In case of (c) above, the applanrs association with two winding up I
liquidation cases, as a functionary of some reputed company f firm, or
otherwise, paiticularized ¡n his application shal be a factor to substantiate
Age & other Conditions
(a) be a citizen of Pakistan; and
(b) in case of (a) above, not more than 63 years of age, and in case of (b) and
(c) above, note more than 55 years of age as on 14.05.2012.
Tenure & Pay Package
(a) On contract, iiibally for a period of 2 years, extendable for another 1 year at
the discretion of the Governmeni
(b) Neijotiable, up to MPI Scale.
The eligic male and fema candidates may submit thelr appkations alongw(h detaded
C.V, 1ision Statement, attested copies of certicates and other requisite documents and two
recent photngraphs. The application must reach the undersigned latest by 15.01.2012 i
an envelop marked “Application for Chairman, Punjab Cooperative Board for
1ncompete apphcations or apphcations without complete documents / photograis or
received after the &ie date shall not be condered. Only short listed candidates shall be
contacted No TN DA shall be admissible for iterview
Government of the Punjab
Cooperatives Department
Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore