Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman Jobs

08-Apr-2012 (Sunday)  in  Jang  
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  • FCPS Trainees (Paediatric Medicine, Gastroenterology & Nephrology, Rheumatology)
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Lahore
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Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman Jobs
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  • Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman, Lahore
  • Jobs in Pakistan
  • Jobs in Punjab
  • FCPS Trainees (Paediatric Medicine, Gastroenterology & Nephrology, Rheumatology)
Fatima Memorial Hospital is 510 bedded, multi
disciplinary tertiary care teaching hospital, affiliated
with FMH College of Medicine & Dentistry and
recognized for Postgraduate Training by the College of
Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan in 13 clinical
disciplines. FMH Center for Postgraduate Training has
participated actively in developing specialists /
consulta nts since 1995.
It invites applications for the posts of FCPS TRAINEES
in the following clinical disciplines:
___ Paediatric Medicine
Pre-requisite: M BBS, FCPS Part-I.
Department of Paeds Medicine is recognized for four years
training and also offers elective rotation within FMH.
• Gastroenterology & Nephrology I
Pre-requisite: MBBS, FCPS Part-I along with 02 years FCPS
training in Internal Medicine.
Duration of Training for Gastro & Nephrology :02 years
Rheumatology __
Pre-requisite: M BBS, FCPS ¡n internal Medicine.
Duration of Training for FCPS Rheumatology :02 years
Division of Rheumatology has dedicated faculty in Adult and
Paediatric Rheumatology, and actively involved in Clinical
Patient Care as well as research and community service. The
division has earned respect not only nationally but
internationally as well. Department also offers interactive
teaching sessions with other rheumatology experts.
FCPS Trainees will be offered stipend as approved by CPSP
along with fringe benefits which include health insurance,
group life insurance, EOBI, earned paid leaves, annual
increments and professional development opportunities. PG
Trainee will be offered paid clinical rotation (if required).
Please submit detailed and updated resume latest by
Monday. April 16, 2012. Applications can be submitted
directly or through the E-mail in the Department of Human
Resources. Telephone: 042-111-555-600 Ext. 311/424.
E-mail: hrd@fmsystem.org Website: www.fmsystem.org