Vice Chancellors Required by Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department

27-Feb-2012 (Monday)  in  Jang  
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Vice Chancellors Required by Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department
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  • Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department
  • Public Sector
  • Government Jobs
  • Jobs in Pakistan
  • Vice Chancellors
The Government of the Punjab. Higher Education Department is seeking the
services of professionals of hi caliber for appointment of Vice Chancellors for
the following new universities being established:
[ The Ghazi University D.G. Khan
ii. The (3ovemrnent Sadq College Women University, Bahawalpur.
iii The Government College for Women University, Faisatabad.
iv The Government College for Women University, Sialkot
lntec ab having following attributes:
. Possess distinguished reputation as a scholar & acaemian havng
extensive expeñence in academic funcons both in classroom as well as in
a research
Having experience in higher education management.
Capablity & experence of resource mobilizaon alongwitti leadership
quahties fOE poky making decision for efficient & effective management of
affairs of the university.
Eligibility criteria:.
r Should have a Ph.D (in aiy subjed) from a reputed University.
‘ Should not be more than 65 years of age asof 15-04-2012.
. Only female candiates are eligible to apply for the post of dice
Chanoellorship of Women Universities whereas both male and female
candidates are eligible to apply for the post of Vice Chancellor, Ghazi
University, D.C. Khan.
Should have vast eerience in postgraduate teaching and adminis-ative &
financial management.
. iould have credit quality researdi pubcaions in journals of intemaonal
Tenis 8 Conditions:.
Tenure: Shall hold office duflng the pleasure of the Chancellor! Governor
for terms not exceeding four years.
Pay. Salary and per.iisites package of Management Position-Il (MP-II),
Eligible candidates are reguested to apply for the posts on prescribed proforma,
available on www hed,puniab.qovpk
The application should be accompanied by the following documents:
. Certified copies of educaonal certificates I degrees I diplomas.
. A detailed curñcukín vitae cleay highlighting all elements of eligibility
cteria 8 personal attributes.
. List of research publcations.
. Three recent passport size photographs.
. If the appticants intend to apply for more than one position, they are
requested to indicate ther intention in the same application.
Last date for receipt of application:.
The apçlicatns of elgible candidates should reach the office of the Secretary,
Government àf the Punjab, Higher Educaon Department, Civil Secretañat,
Lahore not later than 1544-2012.
Dr. Ijaz Munir, Scretar, Higher Education Department
Ph #, 04299210039 042•9921 0042, web: