Directors Jobs in Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP)

01-Nov-2012 (Thursday)  in  Nawa-i-Waqt  
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  • Director (Internal Audit)
  • Director (Admin-II)
  • Director (Training)
  • Director (Waseela-e-Rozgar)
  • Director (Waseela-e-Sehet-II)
  • Director (MIS – Management Information System)
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Islamabad
  • Jobs in Pakistan
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Directors Jobs in Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP)
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  • Benazir Income Support Programme Jobs
  • BISP Jobs
  • Executive Jobs
  • IT Jobs
  • MIS Jobs
  • Administration Jobs
  • Auditing Jobs
Applications are invited for appointment to the following vacant posts on contract
basis for Benazir Income Support Programme. Candidates fulfilling the following
qualifications! experience may apply.
Remuneration as per experience mnimum-maxmum. .
1 52,240 to 258,940 (negotiab’e based on experience and No, ol Posts for vecy Oepariment ; 01
I depth ofrelevant skills)
1. Director (Internal Audit)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate Degree in Finance and kcounts. Quified CNCPAICIMAÌFCM.A or equiva
lent from an HEC recognized university/insbtuton, havíg at least 15 years of progressive career including 7 years
experience re’ating to audit of pivatelpublk sector G0PÌ Donor OrganizationslIntemaonaI Financial InshtuhonslAid
Agencies Supported Projects. Be able to œndud periodic audit of all regional offices and to monitor compliance regulatory
framewxk, nues and regulabafis in I matters. Ability to execute substantive accountability vis-à-vis the organizahon and
other donors and stakeholders, to mipove communication Wth stakebolders of programme results and impact, to provde
management with analyses. assessments, recommendations and adce concerning The operations reviewed. to assess the
economic. efficient and effective use of resources (financial. administrative and human). Should be proflcient in computer
software applicabons.
2. Director (Admn-II)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate degree preferay in managementlHRMiBusinesslFmanceiPubkc Administra-
Lion equivalent from an HEC recognized university/lnsbtuhon. having 15 years ol progressive career induding 7 years
exper*nce in senior executive posãtion in aditinistration 8 management in piIic/pnvate sector. High level of understanding
of puliciprivate ms S regulahons. Practical knowfedge with the administrative pocedures of reputed public/corporate
institubons. PMP certification will be preferred. Ability to apply fundamental concepts. practices, procedures and existing
policies and guidelines in specialized areas of iníom,ation technology. To meet deadlines and targets. crihcal thinking &
problem solving. perfOEmance Focus. managing Change. teamwork. conimunicaton sklls, leadership. Should be proficient
in computer software applations.
3. Director (Training)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate degree preferably r HRM, Education, Organizabonal Effectiveness from an
HEC recognized university/Institution. having at least 1 5 year of progressive career including 7 years expenence of imparting
trainings in reputed institutions both at nabonaUinternaonal level. Candidates possessing strong communication & presen.
tation skills and ability to devise training modules, curriculum and TNAwiII be preferred Evx)ence pertainmg to the creden
tials must be proved. Ability to pian deparlmentallfunctional trainings/budgets and delegate numbers as requÉed by
organization to make plan/budget/functional training deivery. measurement and fo’low-up as per TNA . to design training
courses and programmes necessary to meet training needs. or manage this acvity via external pœider. Should be
profEient in computer software applications.
4. Director (Waseela-e-Rozgar)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate degree preferably in Economics, Finance. Development Studies.
Public/Business Mmmistration, Technical/Industrial Education, or equivalents from an HEC recognized universityi
institution having at least 15 years of progressive career including 7 years experience of developing, designing and
managing vocational educational programmesftraining and skills development in public!piivate sectors. Candidate
having worked for development sector as project coordinator/manager having strong proposal.wnbng and presenta-
Lion skills are encouraged to apply. Sound judgement and ability to upho4d the organizations values and policiesl
procedures, providing direction and feedback to team and individual objectives, foster