Join Pakistan Air Force Under 136 GDP Course (Government Job)

22-Jul-2012 (Sunday)  in  Express  
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  • 136 DGP Course
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Join Pakistan Air Force Under 136 GDP Course (Government Job)
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  • PAF jobs
  • Pakistan Air Force jobs
  • Armed Forces jobs
  • 136 GDP
  • Engineering jobs in PAF
  • Government jobs
Age 16 to 22 Years on l4AprU, 2013
Nationality ; MaIe I Female citizens of Pakistan
Marital Status : Uninsnled
Height ; MinimumS Feet 4 brchee 1163cm
(for both Male S Female)
TRAINING PERIOD (4 ynais course (2 years an aviadon cadet and 2 years
an PliaI Officer h reepechne millstone) leadIng lo the ant of SS in AaaIcn
Scoices ard Mara3en-enl from Air lininnily lsla’rmrad
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : A carddate must irane passed wIth st
least 03% marks in agegate ir. any of the fclk’aing:
+ ESe (Pie Engg?PreIleclIcstCrinmpults Scæncel
+ À’ te’.el nth Physes arel Maths cc Bioogy
+ FSc nth Physics and any Iwo sutncls i e; Maltrn, Stehslits,
Cornauter Science and Bialagy
Age :I6toflYearsonl4Aprd, 2013
NatIonality : Male cItizens of Pakistan
Marital Status: Unmarried
HeIght : MinImumS Feet 4 biches f 163cm
TRAIlING PERIOD: DL yaws ((12 years caine as anlalirsi cadet rend 02
years sa ornee’ h meapecttne Inshtutlansi Iemlhg to the award of SS In
AvIstan Saetas ard MarageTent from Air UniversIty islamaisd
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : A candidate niust ‘tens passed intl
rrinrntnr 62% rnalcs In aggregate n any cf lire folc’Mrg:
+ ES: :Pre-Engg’Pre4$sdca1Cowputer Selacias)
+ ‘A’ bannI wilt’ Physics and Maths or Ablygy
+ ESo with Physics and any two sut4eces e; Maths, Stallslits,
Computer Sconce and Bcriagy ______
Age :16to22 Years oar 14Apr11. 2013
Nationality : MaIe? Female citizens of Pakistan
Marital Status : UnmarrIed
Height (Male) : MinimumS Feet 4 Inches 1163cm
.“- (Female) : Minlenum 4 feet 10 lnclnesll4lcm
TRAINING PERIOD : (‘4 years catase (‘22 years as adatan cacet arid 02
years as Offlcar at CaIlegs of Ae’ona.dlcel Englneerng (CAE) esdng to the
as’ard at BSc Engneenrg from NUSI
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : A candidate must hens passed Mainc n
f rst diviron and ESc with mnimjrn 66% teSs in aggregate in any of the
e F5ç I ‘reEngg) ot Cherrisby esa submect
+ ‘A’ Level with Physics, Chorrinhy and Maths
Age :lGto22YearsonldAprlI, 2013
NatIonality : Male citizens ot Pakistan
Marital Status: Unmarried
Height : MInimum 5 Feet 4 IncIses 1153cm
TRAINING PERIOD : 04 years ? years corne ist rn.iatknr calot rind 22
years an 011km ¿e reepectiure irntltulions) leading to he canal at SS Ir
Antatun &ierccs and \lrsnageneri Iron AI- Jnnerslty Hoarcubad
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : A carddate must hase cassai wilt’
mhhrrejm SOS, creus in aggregate h any al the folovšng:
+ F.Sc lPrs.EnggP’e.Medcst’Conmpslnr Scierce)
+ ‘A’ level sIlt Pt’ryslcs and Mall’s or Shiagy
+ ESe with Pirysca and wry tova subjeats i.e: Maths, Slalisics,
Compiler Sderce and StIngy
+ Rrsji%jralian at all PAF sifrrnnriann A Snn*n Cnrrbrrs
+ ntotiqe’rce Test follawed by &aderric Test ir, bar lollomeng subject through e’Tesbrq
berma’ Ocies PliaI
lAir Deleita Ergish & Dhysa
lAtrcrvIiiII;irl Engreneni Erqtsb. Physts& Ment I
4 Prelminuy Medical Eca’riratnr arid interview a’. sil PAF Iriar’ratiar & Selectian Can:’es
t Sho’t-letng by Arr Headcuane’s (Cny altrt-Isted carddates ecud te cetaled ftc’ ¿SSS)
+ Teslslnterviem by 1556 (015M I Guj’anvesla! Malr Quena
+ Final medical examinaron by CMB at Karadni
+ Fiylng Aprtarde Teal PATI 01 GD (P) candidates
4 Final seteiton by Air htalquarlnrs in order nl rrrnlt
I Twice rstuced by Irrtec Sur.ces Selocran Sca’o lrSSSj iSerurai heeoludr.urs OrlO; or Narai
heaiqtarters NHQ) or Al-lO Selechen Hoard (thro crlarce for syndic h gIre’ qua Ilesos courses
2. Twice savored oat by 1SSB”any Sonsee Snlfln Bawd
3. Once re)ected by 1558 and once -epcted by any Serene See,’dhn Heard IS5tš and Serece
Selvom’on Beards *11 te corsalered at par for el9ibilty purpose) Absentee frein any Samnita Selectim
Doard all be healed re rcrjectcd
4, Twice reacted by 1558 or any Snkce Selecflcen board lo, speohc hgher qiiaiicaron courses.
5. If daclarec perrrnaranty unt